Saturday, February 21, 2009


Last weekend I went home and was once again reminded how much I love going home. It's not the fact that I get homesick here at school, but sometimes I need a break from Pullman or need to just see family and friends, not just talk to online or on the phone. Over the weekend I was able to spend a great amount of time with both family and close friends. On Friday I went to Brian's on my way home to Poulsbo. Then Sat I was able to visit with the Young's and saw Caitlyn Sunday after church. I also went to Brian's church on Sunday and forgot how much I missed his sermons.

It was when I was driving back to Pullman when I started wondering what God really does have planned for me. I love being independent here and want to go to Grad school, either in CO or TN. But at the same time, I part of me wants to go back home and begin my career as a teacher/personal trainer/ youth leader. I want the experience of living in another state, even though it means more phsycial distance between me and the people who mean the most. And grad school seems like the perfect time to do it. I also want to do grad school sooner I think than later as I feel it'd be hard to go back to school once I've started my career. All in all, it's up to God, and I just need to pay attention to him and listen. Life is a ride that we don't always have control of. For some of us, like me, it's hard to not always have control, and to let someone else, God, lead the way. But I believe through prayer, the answers will come, one way or another.

1 comment:

jessica said...

Sometimes the hardest thing is just taking the time to be silent and listen. . . to listen what he is saying to us. You are doing great. I am excited to see where He is going to take you. I love you.