Thursday, September 4, 2008

Round 3

I am in my second week of school and am realizing how I am going to survive and enjoy this year. This may be more of a lecture for myself as for what I need to do to stay sane. One thing for me is to make sure I actually get up to workout. To some this may seem like a petty little "thing" to do, but for me it can be a lifeline. It helps me relieve stress and helps me function emotionally, physically, and mentally. The hardest part for me is just turning off the alarm and getting my more than able body OUT of bed. Once I'm out, I'm ok. Weird how just a little action is so hard to do, like getting out of bed is. Anyways... another thing I need to do this semester, is make sure I am ORGANIZED. While I am naturally an organized person, I get stressed out if I feel I don't know when or where I am suppose to be or when things are due. So this weekend, I plan to make sure I plan out my semester with all projects and tests including time to study or work on those classes. Once I do these two things and continue to, I feel like this semester, while busy, will go smoothly. Well as smoothly as it can for 2 jobs and school. I'm also going to need to make sure I make time for friends.

Already this year I have made new friends. I've met these friends through a mutual friend. I love meeting new people and having more friends. It's nice to have another group of fun peopel to hang out with. This group of guys is fun and I'm excited to hang out with them more and get to know them better. It doesn't mean that I don't want to grow apart from my old friends, not at all, but I am branching out more. By branching out more, I have realized that I'll need to make more of an effort to keep in touch and hang out with my old friends! This is hard as we all grow and go in different directions, even if we are on the same college campus.

The more people I meet and hang out with the more I realize what traits are important for friends, or that potential "someone" to have. I understand that drinking is fun, but I need to have people who seem to have more interests than just drinking and events that revolve around drinking. I also like to see people involved, whether in the school, community, or work. This shows me that they have more interests and that being involved is important to them. Usually this means that the person cares about making a difference in some shape or form. For me, this trait is important, especially because I am all about trying to make a difference in whatever way that may be, and to always be helping others. There are plenty of other things that I look for when thinking of a potential "someone", but I don't like to think of a person who fits my "checklist", but rather one who has traits that I like and others that I can deal with. Of course some traits and personality characteristics are more important than others such as what I previously mentioned.

I'm not sure where this all came from, but it's something that I've been thinking about as I am now 21, 3rd year in college, and am realizing just how different each person can be.

As of now, there is no "someone", but I am keeping my options open and just focusing on meeting more people and making more friends. And from there, I'll see what God has in store for me!

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