Saturday, November 22, 2008

Apple Cup 2008

Like all Apple Cups, and all WSU games this year, I could not confidently say, "We're going to win!" The weather was decent, 40 degrees, sun off and on, no rain. It got chilly, but bareable. The game was intense. Always is against UW. Unfortunately UW made the first TD in the second quarter along with a field goal. We went into half time down 10-0. I didn't lose faith, but was worried. We came out 3rd quarter and made a TD, the crowd exploded! Fourth quarter we tie up the game with 2 seconds to go with a field goal. The last two min of the official game time were intense, everyone screaming to hurry up and make plays to get down the field. Well Cougs got to work to tie it up. Then we had the ball first in overtime and made a field goald. UW got the ball and made a field goal as well. This goes into the 2nd overtime, we're defense first. No score from UW. It was still intense, cause we still had to score to win! Luckily, we pulled through and made a field goal. The stadium errupted!!! Everyone screaming, jumping and going crazy. After about a 30 sec of jumping and screaming I yelled at my friend "Let's go rush the field!" So we grabbed our stuff and ran down with the pack. As soon as I was running down the stairs I lost Liz, but saw a friend of a friend and grabbed her so I at least knew someone to run down with me. We got to the bottom row, where we had to jump over the rail. It's kinda far, well for me who's short, so I climbed over the rail, then jumped. And once I was down I ran onto the field, and lost my friend again. So here I was on the field with no one I knew, just other Cougs, celebrating our win! It was so fun. I could feel the famous Cougar Pride, it's definetely a great feeling.

Even if we don't win any other game than Portland State, we at least beat the Damn Huskies!!!

We have a long road ahead of us to improve from this year, but hopefully we can produce more next year. Either way, I still love the game but ready for some great Cougar Basketball. Go Cougs!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Election 2008

Last night, was one of the most historic nights in our Nation's history. It has taken us forty plus years, but we now have a colored leader of our country, Mr. Barack Obama. On the news this morning, they showed clips of a church down in GA, a black church specifically, and the reactions that they had gave me goosebumps. One mother stated something to the point of "my daughter will live knowing that it is possible to be black and become president!" What an amazing statement. While all elections are about the political side, I feel like this election is more than just pure politics. It is a move forward in our fight of segregation, that yes, still exists.

I have never been one to stay on top of politics and the news. But starting today, with a new presidential election just completed, my first to partake in, I am going to make a conscious effort to stay informed. It's hard to do with being so busy with school, work and life. But I know that with some effort, I can find 20 minutes in my day to read the paper. I hate not knowing what's going on in our world, and I can only blame myself for not staying on top of it. With all the media and technology there is no excuse to NOT know! So starting today, I will do my best to be an informed and active US citizen.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

This Holiday Season

The holiday season upon us, as it is already November, and the holiday season makes me think about family. I know I have written how blessed I am to have a family. Having a family at all is a blessing. Having a family who loves me unconditionally and supports me in all I do, is more than I could ask for. I love my family unconditionally as well, no matter what they are going through. I know while I am at school I don't always realize just how much I miss them. That is until I talk to my lil Logan on the phone, or hear a song that reminds me of my dad. Or like today when I got a picture text from Kell of Logan. He is so grown up, I can't wait to see him! Lil Kylie Mae is also growing, now crawling. It makes me sad that I'm missing it, but realize that I have my own life now. I am not only a daughter, auntie, and sister, i'm also a college student. While I am not physically there to be a daughter, auntie or sister, I am always with them in thought and prayer. Technology also helps me stay "connected"!

This holiday season, my goal is to not necessarily "buy" my family the "Best gift", but to "give" them the best gift. I feel that gift is by giving and showing the love and appreciation I have for them. To show them how much they mean to me. I also want to spread this gift to my friends and to people in general. Today's society gets so caught up in the "buying of gifts" and not of the "giving". Giving love and appreciation can mean more than any monetary gift ever can. I plan to give this gift my doing small little deeds everyday, as well as actually telling the people I care about how I feel. Since my time at home is short, I also want to spend as much time with my family and friends as I can. This can be just playing with Logan for the day, but to me, and I know to him, it can mean the world! Nothin can replace quality time with family and friends, especially during the holiday season.

So with this new holiday season upon us, I challenge all of us to stay positive, be gracious, do not take advantage of what and who you have in your life. Appreciate everyone around you, tell them how you feel, and spend time with them! As I've said before, cause in the end, it's my family who will always be there for me. What better way to say thank you than spending time with them and appreciating all I have.