Throughout my time here at WSU I have always been thinking of the grand ol' question, "what do you want to be when you grow up?" To be honest, this answer is always changing. I'll get an idea and for a lil while, maybe only a day or month, I "swear" it's what I want to do. Fortunately, I have been able to get into some fields and have practical experience of some of those careers. One of my greatest experiences was working in the Athletic Training program here at WSU. When I first got into the program, I was stoked, confident that I had found my career path for good. Once I got into it and after some serious thinking and evaluating, I learned that Athletic Training is not the career path for me. It was nothing personal, I just realized I wanted more interaction with kids, fitness, and helping people better themselves by staying active for life.
So I have determined myself a health and fitness education major and minoring in Spanish and psychology. This will allow me to become a PE teacher. I have been able to do a 6 week teaching practicum observing middle school PE with my mom last May. This experience has taught me that while I want to teach and I have a passion for students and teaching them about health and wellness, I also want a different beginning career while I'm still young. They will always need teachers, so I want to explore what else is out there first. This brings me to some of my most recent epiphanies/ life plans.
I have always wanted to study abroad but because of expenses and time, I have not had the chance to do it. But it came to my attention last semester that I am able to do my student teaching abroad. I want to go to a Spanish speaking country, as I am minoring in Spanish. I was talking to my cousin who is in the Army, and he knows of a Navy base in Spain that he might be able to connect me with. I would go to the country, live on a US military base and teach American students. This experience would fulfill my passion to travel and experience new cultures. I am excited to learn more about this opportunity this semester.
As for my careers, I have been thinking about it this summer/ this past week and this is what I've come up with: since I love kids, staying fit and active, and having an active job, I think that working at a Parks and Rec place would be fun. I think it'd be great to head up sport clubs and fitness activities for kids in the communities. I want to be able to also teach/coach them as well. So what I am looking into a masters degree in Parks and Rec. This idea has come about on my own but also has been confirmed with my time working at the UREC. Granted I have only worked there a couple times, I have realized how much I like the environment. I want to get certified in Personal Training and as an Aerobic Instructor. The nice thing is that the UREC offers grants to pay for the classes and training.
So yeah, that's what I've come up in the last few months. Another job that I think I'd really like would be working with the Forest service repairing trails and such. This job would be during the summer. Nature and being outside in the woods, is another passion of mine. But I've heard that some of the WA state forest services are closing down, unfortunately. Nevertheless, it's something that I want to look into!
I know that some of these ideas seem random, but they're all related to my interests and passions. So we'll see what God has planned for me!
I have always wanted to study abroad but because of expenses and time, I have not had the chance to do it. But it came to my attention last semester that I am able to do my student teaching abroad. I want to go to a Spanish speaking country, as I am minoring in Spanish. I was talking to my cousin who is in the Army, and he knows of a Navy base in Spain that he might be able to connect me with. I would go to the country, live on a US military base and teach American students. This experience would fulfill my passion to travel and experience new cultures. I am excited to learn more about this opportunity this semester.
As for my careers, I have been thinking about it this summer/ this past week and this is what I've come up with: since I love kids, staying fit and active, and having an active job, I think that working at a Parks and Rec place would be fun. I think it'd be great to head up sport clubs and fitness activities for kids in the communities. I want to be able to also teach/coach them as well. So what I am looking into a masters degree in Parks and Rec. This idea has come about on my own but also has been confirmed with my time working at the UREC. Granted I have only worked there a couple times, I have realized how much I like the environment. I want to get certified in Personal Training and as an Aerobic Instructor. The nice thing is that the UREC offers grants to pay for the classes and training.
So yeah, that's what I've come up in the last few months. Another job that I think I'd really like would be working with the Forest service repairing trails and such. This job would be during the summer. Nature and being outside in the woods, is another passion of mine. But I've heard that some of the WA state forest services are closing down, unfortunately. Nevertheless, it's something that I want to look into!
I know that some of these ideas seem random, but they're all related to my interests and passions. So we'll see what God has planned for me!